

Are you the next great climate scientist?

Awarding $10,000 for the proven reproducible rate of CO2 forcing. (Validated by the UN IPCC)

Climate Questions Chapter

These are all the questions I discovered pertaining to the climate while reviewing the 5000+ pages of IPCC AR4/AR5/AR6.

I have categorized the numerous climate questions I encountered in AR4/AR5/AR6 into six distinct topics.

Let’s begin with the Temperature Questions, which I have organized based on different eras. These include the Earth’s temperature prior to human influence, temperature changes since the last ice age, during the Medieval Era, present-day temperatures, and future temperature projections.

Additionally, I have explored questions related to temperature variations between the Southern Hemisphere and the Northern Hemisphere, time scales of temperature changes, and various other aspects.

By breaking down these questions into specific topics, we can delve deeper into the complexities of climate science and gain a comprehensive understanding.

stop, time, waste

Please read AR4/AR5/AR6 for yourself using this as a reference. 

I often wonder how many individuals worldwide have truly read and studied these documents, much like I have.

Inspiring the next generation

My Climate Journey

Join me on a journey as I share the knowledge I’ve acquired during my 40-year tenure as an early climate activist.

During the 1970s, as a teenager, I became aware of the perceived threat of an impending ice age, which sparked concern for the future. 

However, I later discovered that this notion was debunked, with the IPCC acknowledging it as an example of self-correcting science in AR5 Chapter 3 Executive Summary, page 258.

Allow me to impart the wisdom and perspective I’ve gathered over these four decades. By joining me, you can potentially save years of understanding and navigate the intricate realm of climate science more effectively.

The IPCC’s AR4/AR5/AR6 reports are vital roadmaps for the next generation of climate scientists, incorporating the peer-reviewed analysis of 35,000 climate studies.

In my climate journey, I’ve realized that the rate of CO2 forcing remains uncertain. The mechanisms through which CO2 could potentially amplify its forcing effect by hundreds of times are not yet fully understood.

My dedication to studying and documenting the key points in AR4/AR5/AR6 stemmed from a desire to ascertain whether they offer evidence for the validated rate of CO2 forcing according to the IPCC. 

However, I can affirm that these questions have grown more significant after delving into AR4, AR5, and now AR6.

Consequently, I am offering a $10,000 award to the next brilliant scientist who can present conclusive evidence regarding the rate of CO2 forcing. By claiming this prize, you have the opportunity to make a remarkable contribution to our understanding of climate science.

Are you the one who will step forward and seize this opportunity?

Review of the IPCC AR4 and AR5

The IPCC’s AR4, AR5, and AR6 reports have peer-reviewed over 35,000 climate studies, spanning two decades and comprising more than 5,000 pages.

These reports are crucial as primary sources of comprehensive climate data, shaping global climate policies.

However, rather than providing conclusive answers, these reports raise additional questions, deepening the uncertainties surrounding climate science.

The next generation faces significant and pressing questions across various domains, from the ocean to the sun, as they strive to grasp the complexities of climate.

While the IPCC asserts the human role in climate change, acting akin to a prosecuting district attorney, they also acknowledge numerous questions, contradictions, missed predictions, data gaps, and more.

Certainty eludes the IPCC, and I contend that uncertainty in climate science is only growing with time.

10kclimatechallenge Chapters

All the Chapters

Inspiring the next generation of climate scientists and activists.

My Personal Climate Journey

40 years and counting. Maybe you are on the same journey.

Review of IPCC AR4/AR5/AR6

Why AR4/AR5/AR6 are so important.

Theory Chapter

Breaks down CO2 forcing and why models are important.

Temperature Chapter

What is warming? Entire earth? Oceans? Surface? What to know.

Model Chapter

Why use models? How are they doing?

Ocean Chapter

Role of the world's oceans that stores over 90% of Earth's heat.

Atmosphere Chapter

Is the atmosphere cooling or warming the earth?

Gases Chapter

Focus on CO2 and other greenhouse gases.

Civilization Chapter

Examining the impact of past climate change on civilizations that existed in earlier times.

Question Chapter - ON LINE

Summary of every important question I found in AR4/AR5/AR6.

Prediction Chapter

Summary of every important prediction I found in AR4/AR5/AR6.

What is the IPCC?

The UN’s IPCC Assessment Reports, namely AR4 (2007), AR5 (2014), and AR6 (2021), involve a significant collaboration of over 2,000 authors from more than 100 countries. These reports meticulously evaluate and assess over 35,000 peer-reviewed studies, making them comprehensive resources on the current state of climate science. The IPCC releases new reports approximately every seven years to provide updated information to world governments.

According to AR5, the United Nations established the IPCC in 1988 with the purpose of offering governments worldwide “clear information on the state of today’s climate science, potential impacts, and options for adaptation and mitigation through regular assessments” (AR5 Section 1.2.1, page 123).

Weather versus Climate

Is the weather or the climate easier to predict?

Is the climate easier to predict than the weather?
In AR4 2007, the IPCC expressed the belief that predicting the climate was comparatively easier than predicting the weather due to the chaotic nature of weather, which makes it more unpredictable. They emphasized that the climate, in contrast, is characterized by different dynamics that are more manageable, even over a 50-year timeframe. The IPCC held a strong belief in the models' ability to understand and simulate climate processes (AR4 Page 104, FAQ 1.2).
However, seven years later, the IPCC underwent a significant shift as seen in AR5. One notable change was the acknowledgment that "It is not possible to make deterministic, definitive predictions of how climate will evolve over the next century and beyond as it is with short-term weather forecasts" (AR5 Section 12.1, Page 1034).

This indicates a recognition of the inherent uncertainties and complexities involved in long-term climate projections, distinguishing them from the more deterministic nature of short-term weather forecasts.
Why did this change? What is going on? I thought the climate was all figured out?